The ceiling on the top of the head will not suddenly fall out of it? Doesn't sound too easy to happen, but the security problem is not actually happening. In the ordinary room, the incidence of such accidents may be lower. But in some of the design of complex building, often the shape of the ceiling is particularly complex, much of the material used, if when the installation is flawed, or is itself unreasonable design, then it is easy to security risks. The soft film smallpox in this regard is has the advantage of itself is richly endowed by nature, light weight is safety guarantee.
Especially in some public places, for example supermarkets, shopping malls, or is the local subway train station, itself and the pursuit of the atmosphere of the decoration and the room is relatively high, gather every day very much, if you fall off a piece of wood or plaster board, then it is possible to cause very serious problems. Along with the compensation, and the credibility of the loss is a heavy burden. But if you choose the application of soft film smallpox from the beginning, that such a problem would never appear. It is applied in a layer of very thin plastic film, the entire roof weight is also not much, fixed up very easily.
If you've ever seen a ceiling installation construction process will know, its internal basically is hollow, only a fine light keel, with ordinary screw or small the expansion screws can be firmly installed in the wall. Because they are light, so even if the use of time longer, and not because of the reasons for aging and more than the capacity of the screw, the safety factor can be greatly improved.
From the experience of using the long term, there has never been a soft film smallpox occurred off down the case directly. In fact, we can imagine, but under the most extreme conditions, the flexible smallpox occurred off, it will not cause security problems. Such a large area of a thin film, the speed will be very slow, and there is no component, it will not cause any loss, it will not hurt anyone. Therefore, in such occasions need more widely popularized the new materials, and even from the point of view of the decoration effect, but also can seem more atmosphere more beautiful and can totally replace those past renovation programme.